Whether you're purchasing a used vehicle, receiving a family hand-me-down, or selling your own vehicle, you'll need to obtain a safety certificate to go with it before you can get behind the wheel or hand it over to someone else.
Whether you’re purchasing a used vehicle, receiving a family hand-me-down, or selling your own vehicle, you’ll need to obtain a safety certificate to go with it before you can get behind the wheel or hand it over to someone else.
Each province has slightly different regulations when it comes to safety inspections, as vehicle and road safety are mandated on a provincial basis. Though, most require a similar inspection and certification process. In Ontario, the Ministry of Transportation requires a motor vehicle inspection certificate in order to transfer ownership.
Here’s a scenario: Your mother is getting older, and decides that she doesn’t feel comfortable driving anymore. As a result, she generously gives you her 2013 Honda Civic. You go to the local licensing office to transfer ownership, but are told that you need to obtain a safety certificate before the ownership can be transferred and new plates can be issued. You head over to your local Mufflerman, and are told your vehicle did not pass the inspection. As outlined by the province of Ontario, you have 10 days to rectify the issue.
The purpose of the inspection is to identify potential vehicular problems early to save you time and money down the road. According to the Ontario Government, “a safety standards certificate confirms that your vehicle met the minimum safety standards on the date the certificate was issued. It is not a warranty or guarantee of the vehicle’s condition. You can buy and register a vehicle without a safety standards certificate, but cannot put plates on a vehicle without one.”
In other words, the province of Ontario has put these regulations in place to ensure that every vehicle on the road is safe and poses no risk to other drivers on the road.
When performing safety inspections, the most common issues that our certified technicians uncover are as follows:
Brake Performance: Brakes are undeniably one of the most important features on your vehicle, and are the cause of many failed safety checks. If your brakes are worn down or not working adequately, your vehicle will not pass. This also includes the emergency brakes.
Windshield Condition: Unbeknownst to most, cracks, chips, and loose seals in the windshield can pose a breadth of issues for drivers, and are considered significant safety hazards.
Condition of Your Tires: Tires are one of the most common issues that we come across. Old, cracked and worn-down tires will likely fail a safety inspection. If you’re worried about your tires, check the wear indicator bar on your tires. If the tread is worn down past that point, you will need to get new tires. It’s also important that the tires on your vehicle are all the same size and style.
Light Functionality: While inspecting your vehicle’s lights, we need to ensure that all of your lights are in good working condition. Not only do we look at headlights, but also high beams, emergency flashers, turn signals, side lights, brake lights, and backup lights.
Seat Belts: Although this seems obvious, many people drive around with broken seat belts everyday, which poses a huge risk to their security.
Although it may be frustrating to get a vehicle safety inspection, they’re worth it. Safety inspections were put in place to increase safety and to ensure that when you’re driving, you are not putting yourself or others in safety.
At The Mufflerman, we’re your auto specialists. Get your vehicle safetied today at one of our 12 Mufflerman locations across Ontario. We proudly serve London, Chatham, Sarnia, St.Thomas, Strathroy, Woodstock, Stratford, Brantford, Kitchener and Cambridge. Get peace of mind before purchasing with a safety inspection from The Mufflerman, now only $95.
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Safety Certificate Requirement
As outlined by Ontario legislation, the following situations require a safety certificate:
- Registering a rebuilt vehicle.
- Transferring a used vehicle to a new owner. However, you do not require one if the new owner is your spouse.
- Registering a vehicle in Ontario that was bought in or came from another province, territory or country.
- Changing the status of a vehicle from unfit to fit.
At The Mufflerman, our certified technicians thoroughly examine a range of different parts, which include: hood components, engine components, transmission components, exhaust system, battery, cooling system, fuel, suspension system, brakes, steering system, airbags, seating areas, instruments and controls, lights, audio system, exterior components and the tires.