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Winter Tires 101

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winter wheels

Winter Tires can be the difference between making it out of your neighbourhood and working from home.

None of us want to be thinking about the reality that is winter here in the Great White North. Sadly, it is a fact of life, and as it approaches, more and more of us are going to be thinking about winter tires.

Significant Benefits

Maybe you’ve never had them before and don’t see why you should bother with them, maybe you’ve always put them on and can’t imagine driving in the winter without them, or maybe you’re due for new ones and can think of a million ways you’d rather spend your money than on winter tires. We get it. BUT, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t significant benefits to putting winter tires on your car. Winter tires provide improved traction, reduced insurance rates, and less build-up of snow on your tires. They can be the difference between making it out of your neighbourhood and working from home.

If you decide to get yourself some winter tires, keep in mind that we have good selection in our stores. If you already have them, we are more than happy to put them on for you. We’ll even store your all-seasons until you’re ready to put them back on. 

We’ve created a bit of a comparison chart to show you the differences that exist between the two types of tires. Take a look:

All Season Tires:

Winter Tires:

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